Researchers Database

Yamaguchi Wataru

    Department of Political Science Senior Assistant Professor
Last Updated :2024/10/05

Researcher Information


    Department of Political Science Senior Assistant Professor


  • Ph.D. in Political Science(2016/03 Doshisha University)


Research funding number

  • 90735317

J-Global ID


  • Wataru Yamaguchi is a senior assistant professor at Teikyo University.

    His research interests include history of the U.S.-Japan relations. He won the Inoki Masamichi Award for US-Japan Relations in the Sunset of the Cold War.

    His Ph.D. in Political Science is from Doshisha University. He skipped his senior year of undergraduate studies and entered the Graduate School of Law at the university. He was a visiting researcher with the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University and was an assistant professor at the International Institute of American Studies, Doshisha University.

Research Interests

  • Comprehensive Security   History of U.S.-Japan Relations   U.S.-Japan Relations   U.S.-Japan Alliance   U.S. Presidential Libraries   Strategic Assistance   Japanese Diplomatic History   U.S. Diplomatic History   Security   International Relations   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / International relations

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2024/04 - Today  The University of TokyoResearch Center for Advanced Science and Technology Open Laboratory for Emergence StrategiesChairperson, "International Politics and Leadership"
  • 2022/04 - Today  JMSDF Command and Staff CollegePart-time Lecturer
  • 2020/04 - Today  Teikyo UniversityFaculty of Law Department of Political ScienceJunior Associate Professor
  • 2016/07 - Today  Doshisha UniversityCenter for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic ReligionsCISMOR Research Fellow
  • 2022/04 - 2025/03  Gakushuin Women's CollegeFaculty of Intercultural StudiesPart-time Lecturer
  • 2023/07 - 2024/09  Tokyo Institute of TechnologyPart-time Lecturer
  • 2019/04 - 2023/09  Tokyo University of Foreign StudiesSchool of International and Area StudiesPart-time Lecturer
  • 2020/04 - 2021/03  Chuo UniversityFaculty of Policy StudiesPart-time Lecturer
  • 2017/04 - 2020/03  Teikyo UniversityFaculty of LawAssistant Professor
  • 2015/10 - 2017/03  Kobe UniverisityGraduate School of Law and Faculty of LawPart-time Lecturer
  • 2014/10 - 2017/03  Kyoto University of Art and DesignPart-time Lecturer
  • 2014/04 - 2017/03  Doshisha UniversityInternational Institute of American StudiesAssistant Professor
  • 2016/04 - 2016/09  Ryukoku UniversityFaculty of LawPart-time Lecturer
  • 2010/09 - 2011/06  Stanford UniversityThe Freeman Spogli InstituteVisiting Resercher


  • 2010/04 - 2014/03  Doshisha University  Graduate School of Law
  • 2008/04 - 2010/03  Doshisha University  Graduate School of Law
  • 2005/04 - 2008/03  Doshisha University  Faculty of Law  Department of Political Science

Association Memberships

  • Japan Society for Defense Studies   The Japanese Association for American Studies   The Japan Association of International Relations   The Japan Association for International Security   European Association for Japanese Studies   

Research Activity Information

Published Papers

Books etc

  • Shiro Sato; Shinji Kawana; Tomoya Kamino; Kousuke Saito; Wataru Yamaguchi (Joint editor"US-Japan Alliance" "Official Development Assistance")Horitsu Bunka Sha 2024/04 4589043335 288 1-4, 6-15, 163-172, 270-271
  • Shingo Tanaka; Keikichi Takahashi; Wataru Yamaguchi (Joint work“Ever-Evolving Presidential Library” “Ronald Reagan Presidential Library” “George H. W. Bush Presidential Library” “William J. Clinton Presidential Library” “George W. Bush Presidential Library” “Barack Obama Presidential Library” “Donald J. Trump Presidential Library”)Osaka University Press 2024/03 4872597869 272 66-93, 204-233
  • Yoshitaka Katayama; Wataru Yamaguchi (Joint editor「なぜ日米間で経済摩擦が激しくなったのですか」「日米同盟が終わることはあるのですか」「自由で開かれた国際秩序を求めて」「『ファーストレディー』の外交」「首相の訪米」「外交とワイン」)Yoshikawa Kobunkan 2024/03 4642084460 248
  • Kanji Akagi; Japan Association for International Security (Contributor"Comprehensive National Security Strategy")Keio University Press 2024/02 4766429338 288 258-259
  • Masahiro Yamada ed (Contributor「『みなまで言うな』は通じない」)PHP Institute 2023/11 4569856071 248 66-77
  • Hirotaka Watanabe, ed (Contributor"Economic Security," "US-Japan Allinace," "History of US-Japan Relations")Ashi Shobo 2023/05 4755613264 362 98-100, 109-111, 155-164
  • Wataru Yamaguchi (Single work)Yoshikawa Kobunkan 2023/01 4642039228 390
  • Koji Murata; Tadashi Nakatani; Wataru Yamaguchi (Joint translation)Marc Trachtenberg Minerva Shobo 2022/12 4623093727 336
  • Keiichi Hatakeyama, ed (Contributor"US-Japan Relations in the 1980s")Minerva Shobo 2022/04 4623093573 458 255-271
  • Haruya Sakamoto; Shoichiro Ishibashi, ed (Contributor"International Politics")Horitsu Bunka Sha 2020/09 4589041006 240 17-32
  • Kiyotada Tsutsui, ed (Contributor"Ron-Yasu Relationship")Chikuma Shobo 2020/08 4480073418 381 313-328
  • Shinji Kawana; Shiro Sato, ed (Contributor"Debates over the Development Cooperation Charter")Horitsu Bunka Sha 2018/12 4589039788 224 150-167
  • Shiro Sato; Shinji Kawana; Tomoya Kamino; Kosuke Saito, ed (ContributorU.S.-Japan Alliance; ODA)Horitsu Bunka Sha 2018/04 4589039036 310 6-15, 169-178

Conference Activities & Talks

  • "US-Japan Relations in Light of the Upcoming Presidential Election"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    Center for American Studies, Nanzan University  2024/05
  • Discussant "US Military Bases"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    Base Politics  2024/03
  • On the 9th JSDS Inoki Masamichi Award-winning Book
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    第7回「猪木正道記念・安全保障研究会」  2024/03
  • "The Craft of International History"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))「ダニエル・イノウエと日米関係」研究会  2024/01
  • "Typology of Comprehensive Security"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    Japan Association for International Security  2023/12  Keio University
  • Wataru Yamaguchi
    Decision-Making Sectional Meeting, JAIR Annual Convention 2023  2023/11
  • "U.S.-Japan Allinace"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    Kansai Security Seminar  2023/11  Doshisha University  The Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS)
  • "Changing Presidential Libraries"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    "Disruption and Reformation of Liberal Democracy" Working Group, RCAST Open Laboratory for Emergence Strategies  2023/09  zoom
  • Review of US-Japan Relations in the Sunset of the Cold War and Japan's East Asian Diplomacy during the "Second Cold War" and the Detente That Followed The Policies of the Ohira, Suzuki, and Nakasone Cabinets
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    International History Society  2023/09
  • "US-Japan Relations in the Sunset of the Cold War: Comprehensive Security"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    The Japan Institute of International Affairs  2023/08  The Japan Institute of International Affairs
  • "US-Japan Relations in the Sunset of the Cold War: Comprehensive Security"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    戦後外交史研究会  2023/07  Hosei University
  • "US-Japan Security Arrangements"
    Okinawa Fellowship  2023/06  Research Institute for Peace and Security
  • "Comprehensive Security focusing on Ohira, Suzuki and Nakasone"
    Wataru Yamaguchi
    外交史研究会  2023/03  International Research Center for Japanese Studies
  • 討論「佐藤総理アジア・太平洋諸国歴訪と訪米――1967年9月-11月」
    同志社大学アメリカ研究所第6部門研究  2022/09
  • 討論「ニクソン政権からフォード政権にかけての対日政策の変容――対日観およびグランド・ストラテジーへの日本の位置づけに着目して」
    同志社大学アメリカ研究所第6部門研究  2022/03
  • Wataru YAMAGUCHI
    JAAS (Japan Association for Asian Studies) Autumn Convention 2021  2021/11
  • 討論「英米関係から見た国際秩序 — — マーガレット・サッチャー政権期を中心に」
    同志社大学アメリカ研究所第6部門研究  2021/10
  • Wataru Yamaguchi
    科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))「『一帯一路』の再検討」研究会  2021/09
  • 討論「日米両国における現代的政策過程の検討」
    山口 航
    日本国際政治学会2019年度研究大会  2019/10
  • 「都市外交研究の現況」
    山口 航
    科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))「都市は外交する」研究会  2019/05
  • 「日米安全保障関係と『対等性』」
    山口 航
    中央大学総合政策学部日米関係論  2018/11
  • コメンテータ「合評会武田悠『日本の原子力外交――資源小国70年の苦闘』中央公論新社、2018年」
    山口 航
    冷戦研究会第47回例会  2018/11
  • "Foreign Aid from the Viewpoint of Security"
    YAMAGUCHI Wataru
    Kansai Asia Pacific Security Fourum  2017/03  神戸大学大阪凌霜会クラブ
  • "Three Principles on Arms Exports and Their Related Policy Guidelines and Norms"
    YAMAGUCHI Wataru
    The Japan Association of International Relations  2016/10  神戸国際会議場
  • "The Formation and Development of Ronald Reagan Administration’s Foreign Policy to Japan"
    YAMAGUCHI Wataru
    EAJS (European Association of Japanese Studies) Conference in Japan  2016/09  Kobe University
  • "The ‘Pacific Basin Cooperation Concept’ and U.S.-Japan Relations"
    YAMAGUCHI Wataru
    Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Conference (ASPAC)  2015/06
  • 「1980年代における日本の安全保障政策と日米関係――近年の研究動向を踏まえて」
    山口 航
    安全保障政策史研究会  2015/03
  • 「総合安全保障の受容」
    山口 航
    日本国際政治学会  2014/11
  • "The Shift in U.S.-Japan Cooperation at the Beginning of the Second Cold War"
    YAMAGUCHI Wataru
    The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)  2014/06
  • 「新冷戦初期における紛争周辺国への戦略援助」
    山口 航
    国際安全保障学会  2013/12
  • 「新冷戦初期における日本の外交・安全保障政策の変容」
    山口 航
    国際安全保障学会 第2回定例研究会  2011/10


  • Interview
    Yasuo Fukuda; Wataru Yamaguchi; Yuki Kominami  Diplomacy  (85)  134  -143  2024/05
  • 「大きな物語と小さな終末論」
    山口航  『アステイオン』  (100)  160  -164  2024/05  [Invited]
  • "Book Review on The Geopolitics of the Japan-U.S. Alliance"
    Wataru Yamaguchi  Nami  58-  (5)  84  -85  2024/05  [Invited]
  • "Considering Challenges in Japanese Diplomacy"
    Yoshitaka Katayama; Yukiko Toyoda; Wataru Yamaguchi  Hongo  (171)  2  -11  2024/05  [Invited]
  • 「受賞の言葉」
    山口航  『平和と安全保障』  (10)  71  -71  2024/03  [Invited]
  • Interview with Shotaro Yachi
    Shotaro Yachi; Wataru Yamaguchi  Diplomacy  (83)  134  -141  2024/01
  • Interview with Shotaro Yachi
    Shotaro Yachi; Wataru Yamaguchi  Diploamacy  (82)  130  -139  2023/11
  • "Japan Defense Agency Materials"
    Wataru Yamaguchi  「オンライン版 防衛政策史資料」パンフレット  2023/10  [Invited]
  • Top Secret Diplomatic Documents
    Wataru Yamaguchi  Diplomacy  (79)  146  -149  2023/06  [Invited]
  • "Japan in the lost 30years"
    Wataru Yamaguchi  Diplomacy  (78)  142  -149  2023/03  [Invited]
  • Top Secret Diplomatic Documents
    Wataru Yamaguchi  Diplomacy  (77)  146  -149  2023/01  [Invited]
  • "Top Secret Diplomatic Documents"
    Wataru YAMAGUCHI  Diplomacy  (76)  136  -139  2022/11  [Invited]
  • "Top Secret Diplomatic Documents"
    Wataru YAMAGUCHI  Diplomacy  (75)  134  -137  2022/09  [Invited]
  • Wataru Yamaguchi  Voice  (533)  53  -59  2022/04  [Invited]
  • Book Review, The Diplomatic Endeavor of Japanese Three Prime Ministers in the Sunset of Cold War: 1980-1989
    Wataru Yamaguchi  International Relations  (202)  105  -108  2021/03  [Invited]
  • "Five Books to Know the President of the United States"
    Wataru Yamaguchi  Diplomacy  (66)  142  -143  2021/03  [Invited]
  • Wataru Yamaguchi  SYNODOS  2020/05  [Invited]
  • YAMAGUCHI Wataru  The American Studies Newsletter  (195)  4  2017/12  [Invited]
  • YAMAGUCHI Wataru  Journal of Japanese History  (652)  63  -67  2016/12  [Invited]
  • Wataru Yamaguchi; Tadashi Nakatani; Ryoko Abe; Masahiko Nishimura eds  Doshisha American Studies  (52)  57  -78  2016/03
  • YAMAGUCHI Wataru  The Journal of International Security  42-  (4)  85  -89  2015/03  [Invited]
  • Wataru YAMAGUCHI  Neesima Koza  (34)  18  -32  2012/03  [Invited]

Awards & Honors

  • 2024/02 Masayoshi Ohira Foundation The 40th Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize
     US-Japan Relations in the Sunset of the Cold War 
    受賞者: Wataru Yamaguchi
  • 2023/10 Japan Society for Defense Studies Inoki Masamichi Award
     US-Japan Relations in the Sunset of the Cold War: Comprehensive Security JPN japan_society 
    受賞者: Wataru Yamaguchi
  • 2015/12 Japan Association for International Security New Face Award
    受賞者: Wataru Yamaguchi
  • 2012/12 The Journal of American–East Asian Relations The Frank Gibney Award
    受賞者: Wataru Yamaguchi

Research Grants & Projects

  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2025/03 
    Author : Wataru Yamaguchi
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
    Date (from‐to) : 2020/04 -2025/03 
    Author : 浅野 亮
  • City Diplomacy
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2022/03 
    Author : 村田晃嗣
    Date (from‐to) : 2017/04 -2020/03 
    Author : YAMAGUCHI Wataru
  • 外交史研究と合理的選択論の融合──太平洋戦争の「原因」は何か
    Date (from‐to) : 2016/04 -2019/03 
    Author : 中谷直司
  • Japan-U.S. Partnership Program (Class 17)
    Research Institute for Peace and Security:
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/07 -2016/07 
    Author : YAMAGUCHI Wataru
  • 新冷戦期の日米安全保障関係の変容――狭義の安全保障面の機能的深化と広義の安全保障面への分野的拡大
    公益財団法人 松下幸之助記念財団:研究助成(人文科学・社会科学領域)
    Date (from‐to) : 2014/10 -2015/09 
    Author : 山口 航
  • 日米安全保障関係
    一般社団法人 日米協会:米国研究助成プログラム
    Date (from‐to) : 2012/03 -2012/10 
    Author : 山口 航

Teaching Experience

  • Basic SeminarBasic Seminar Faculty of Law, Teikyo University
  • Political SciencePolitical Science Faculty of Law, Teikyo University
  • SeminarSeminar Faculty of Law, Teikyo University
  • SecuritySecurity Teikyo University, Faculty of Law
  • Japanese PoliticsJapanese Politics Teikyo University, Faculty of Law
  • International Politics (International Strategy)International Politics (International Strategy) Gakushuin Women's College
  • International RelationsInternational Relations Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • International Politics (Structual Change)International Politics (Structual Change) Gakushuin Women's College
  • Contemporary PoliticsContemporary Politics Teikyo University, Faculty of Law
  • Diplomatic HistoryDiplomatic History Teikyo University, Faculty of Law
  • International PoliticsInternational Politics Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, School of International and Area Studies
  • Fundamentals of International PoliticsFundamentals of International Politics Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, School of International and Area Studies
  • Crisis ManagementCrisis Management Teikyo University
  • History of DiplomacyHistory of Diplomacy Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University
  • SeminarSeminar Teikyo University, Faculty of Law
  • The Making of Foreign PolicyThe Making of Foreign Policy Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University
  • Current Political TheoryCurrent Political Theory Teikyo University, Faculty of Law
  • Politics : Special TopicsPolitics : Special Topics Teikyo University, Faculty of Law
  • Current AffairsCurrent Affairs Teikyo University
  • Special Course on International AffairsSpecial Course on International Affairs Kobe University, Graduate School of Law
  • Political SciencePolitical Science Kyoto University of Art and Design
  • American PoliticsAmerican Politics Ryukoku University, Faculty of Law
  • US-Japan Relations after World War IIUS-Japan Relations after World War II Faculty of Law, Doshisha University
  • American Law and PoliticsAmerican Law and Politics Faculty of Law, Doshisha University

Committee Membership

  • 2024/01 - Today   Japan Association for International Security   Program committee member
  • 2024/01 - Today   Japan Association for International Security   Auditor
  • 2023/04 - Today   The Japan Institute of International Affairs   Member
  • 2015/04 -2023/12   Japan Association for International Security   Member of General Affairs Committee
  • 2018/11 -2018/11   The Japan Association of International Relations   An executive committee member of the 2018 annual convention

Social Contribution

    Date (from-to) : 2024/04/01-Today
    Category : Internet

Media Coverage

  • Book Review
    Date : 2024/03
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: The Journal of International Security
  • Date : 2024/01/24
    Writer: Myself
    Publisher, broadcasting station: Book Lounge Academia
  • Wataru Yamaguchi
    Date : 2023/12/20
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: Kobe Shimbun
  • Book Review
    Date : 2023/11/30
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: The American Studies Newsletter
  • Book Review
    Date : 2023/10
    Program, newspaper magazine: The Journal of Military History
  • Book Review
    Date : 2023/09
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: Defense Studies
  • Book Review
    Date : 2023/07
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: Diplomacy
    Book Review Paper
  • Book Review
    Date : 2023/05
    Writer: Other than myself
    Program, newspaper magazine: Voice
    「歴史家の本棚」 Paper
  • Book Review
    Date : 2023/02/26
    Program, newspaper magazine: Yomiuri Shimbun
    「本よみうり堂」 Paper

Academic Contribution

  • Peer Review
    Date (from-to) :2024-2024
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: International Relations
  • Peer review
    Date (from-to) :2024-2024
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: International Relations
  • Peer review
    Date (from-to) :2023-2023
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: International Security
  • Peer review
    Date (from-to) :2020-2020
    Type: Peer review etc
    Organizer, responsible person: Doshisha American Studies